4 events found.
Here is What’s Happening @ The Pool!
Monthly Session of the Greater New Era District Association of Chicago & Vicinity
Chicagoland ChurchesHeld on First Thursdays of the Month, unless otherwise stated
Women’s Auxillary of Greater New Era District Association of Chicago & Vicinity Monthly Session
Chicagoland ChurchChurch to be announced
Women’s Auxillary of Greater New Era District Association of Chicago & Vicinity Monthly Session
Chicagoland ChurchChurch to be announced
Greater New Era District Association of Chicago & Vicinity Monthly Sessions
Chicagoland ChurchHeld on First Thursdays of the Month, unless otherwise stated Church to be announced - Parent Body and District Auxiliary Sessions | Thursday 6:00pm ā 7:00pm - District Congress Workshops | Thursday 7:00pm ā 8:15pm - Concluding Worship | Thursday 8:15pm-9:15pm